G7 Future of Seas and Ocean Initiative

UN Ocean Decade

Townhall – Marine Knowledge at the Fingertips of our Communities: Designing Digital Twins of the Ocean

Digital Twins of the Ocean (DTO) presents transformative opportunities for advancing sustainable ocean management. The townhall, through panel discussions and interaction with diverse stakeholders, including scientists, policymakers, and community representatives,…

Townhall – Marine Knowledge at the Fingertips of our Communities: Designing Digital Twins of the Ocean Read More »

G7 Ocean Decade Navigation Plan Workshop Report

Hosted by the UK Government in December 2021, the workshop served to discuss G7 national priority actions for the Ocean Decade, areas where the G7 might add unique value to ocean science and actions of the Decade, and how the coordination structures of the Ocean Decade and the G7 might cooperate to take this forward

G7 Ocean Decade Navigation Plan Workshop Report Read More »