International scientists signal missing ocean data in global climate policy Observing System (Action Area 1) October 7, 2021 In a workshop convened by the Ocean Frontier Institute, international scientists raised alarm that global climate target calculations and derived climate policies are missing a critical variable: the impact of changing ocean carbon on the climate. Summary Report from G7 FSOI Working Group Meeting 2021 All Action Areas August 24, 2021 The G7 FSOI Coordination Centre has published a summary report from the June 2021 Working Group meeting that outlines the major actions to be taken forward jointly by the G7 countries and the European Union to Ocean Observing System Report Card 2021 Observing System (Action Area 1) July 16, 2021 This annual report provides a key insight into the status of the Global Ocean Observing System, assessing observing networks’ progress, focusing on what is needed to meet the challenges and demands for ocean information, and encouraging G7 FSOI Working Group meeting 2021 All Action Areas July 6, 2021 Over a 3-day series of virtual sessions from 28 to 30 June, the G7 FSOI Working Group discussed and agreed on the way forward with a set of joint G7 ocean actions including key activities from Outcomes of G7 Summit for Ocean Action All Action Areas June 16, 2021 At the Summit G7 leaders agreed a shared G7 Nature Compact, a key agreement to address the most urgent international and interconnected challenges of biodiversity loss and climate change. It also recognises the UN Decade of G7 adopt UN Ocean Decade Navigation Plan All Action Areas May 27, 2021 The Navigation Plan marks the beginning of the G7’s commitment to and support for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030). It also establishes a framework through which the G7 will collaborate and Previous Page1 Page2 Page3 Page4 Page5 Next