G7 Future of Seas and Ocean Initiative

SOCAT 2022 release: Over 40 million surface ocean carbon dioxide measurements available

June 15, 2022

SOCAT version 2022 main synthesis and gridded products contain quality-controlled in situ surface ocean fCO2 (fugacity of CO2) observations. Thanks to measurements made on ships, moorings, autonomous and drifting surface platforms, the observations cover the global

G7 Climate, Energy and Environment Ministers’ Communiqué and Ocean Deal

June 5, 2022

The G7 Ministers of Climate, Energy and the Environment, met on 26–27 May 2022 in Berlin to address the multiple crises that are endangering our climate and environment and causing severe impacts on the planet, lives

Highlights from the Digital Twins of the Ocean Summit May 2022

May 25, 2022

The two-day Summit explored progress in the development of Digital Twins of the Ocean capability, considered their requirements for infrastructure, described potential applications and defined a path forward.

1st meeting of G7 FSOI resource strategy group: towards a global Biogeochemical Argo array 2030

May 3, 2022

On 28-29 March 2022, more than 30 experts and government representatives from the G7 met to discuss ways and means to support the implementation of a global Biogeochemical Argo Array by 2030.

G7 Science Group prioritises impact of climate change on polar regions and oceans

April 28, 2022

Under Germany's G7 Presidency, the Science7 group (S7) is the G7 platform for dialogue with the international science academies. The S7's priorities in 2022 includes the impact of climate change on polar regions and oceans.

G7 Ocean Decade Navigation Plan Workshop Report

March 29, 2022

Hosted by the UK Government in December 2021, the workshop served to discuss G7 national priority actions for the Ocean Decade, areas where the G7 might add unique value to ocean science and actions of the