G7 Future of Seas and Ocean Initiative

G7 Science Ministers’ Communiqué

The G7 Ministers of Science met from 12 to 14 June 2022 in Frankfurt, to foster progress in science and research for a sustainable future that benefits all people, based on our common values of democracy, respect for international law and respect for human rights and freedom, and a commitment to improving equity, diversity and inclusion in the conduct of science and the benefits from scientific research.

The Ministers addressed research on climate change among the three areas discussed during the meeting. Under the theme:  Ocean-Climate-Biodiversity Nexus, the Ministers acknowledged the key role of a healthy ocean to an equitable, resilient and sustainable planet, agreed to show global leadership and taking urgent action to address the ocean’s climate and biodiversity crises by focusing on the ocean-climate-biodiversity nexus.

“To this end, with reference to the G7 Future of the Seas and Oceans Initiative (FSOI), we promote and support foundational climate and ocean ecosystem science to improve the quality and extend the range of modelling, scenario information and parameters through international coordination on global ocean observation, with a focus on unified data management, synthesis of data products and sustained information delivery. We recognize the need for capacity development for global ocean observation, which could involve tailor-made programmes for training, outreach and fellowship and support, in particular the development of a sustained global Biogeochemical-Argo. We promote the G7 FSOI (see Annex), G7 UN Decade Navigation Plan ‘Spotlight Activities’, e.g. Global Ocean Indicators Framework, Net Zero Ocean Capability, and Digital Twins of the Ocean Summit 2022, and will continue to work on Policy Briefs for these activities.

We support the implementation of the G7 Ocean Decade Navigation Plan as part of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030). We strive for change in ocean science and action for societal outcomes. We also emphasize that economic activities in the ocean need to adopt best practices to minimize harm, create multiple benefits, and ensure a sustainable and productive blue economy. We welcome and support the cross-sectoral G7 Ocean Deal, and the recent actions to protect, conserve and restore coastal and marine ecosystems as declared by the G7 Climate, Energy and Environments Ministers in their Communiqué from 27 May 2022 and will foster scientific collaboration in support of these efforts, notably through initiatives and missions that restore our seas and ocean.” – G7 Science Ministers’ Communiqué, June 2022


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