G7 Future of Seas and Ocean Initiative

G7 FSOI revises its Action Areas to tackle Ocean challenges with advanced technology and enhanced collaboration

G7 FSOI revises its Action Areas

The G7 Future of Seas and Ocean Initiative (G7 FSOI) Working Group revised its Action Areas during the 2023 Tokyo meeting to better reflect recent progress in ocean observing networks, digital infrastructure, and prediction systems for enhancing understanding and monitoring of the Ocean. The revised Action Areas were approved by the G7 Science and Technology Ministers during their July 2024 meeting in Bologna.

new G7FSOI action areas

The new actions retain the original priorities on global Ocean observations and enhancing regional observing capacities and political cooperation, but now include new areas emphasize improving global networking and interoperability of data, prediction systems and digital infrastructures like the Digital Twin of the Ocean. They emphasize international collaboration in developing Ocean analysis and prediction systems, promoting open science, and supporting capacity development.
In summary, the revised G7 FSOI Action Areas demonstrate an increased commitment of the G7 countries and the EU to tackle pressing Ocean issues like climate change, marine biodiversity, and pollution through technological advancements and strengthened international cooperation.